How Minimalism helps you become a happier, better mom
Too Busy to Clean?
Are you the busy mother after the holidays with newborn blankets, burp clothes, onesies galore strewn everywhere awaiting *gulp laundry; battery-powered annoying new baby gifts from meaningful relatives, feel like you’re just trying to keep yourself and your children alive and can’t even fathom… cleaning the house!??! I feel you. Too many new toys and better fitting clothing have flooded into my home after the holidays triggering my need to sort and start with a tabula rasa (“clean slate” in Latin thanks AP English high school teacher Mr. Brennan).
Taking down Christmas decorations and a brand new year coming up in a few short days has me feeling the need to purge: room by room every nook & cranny. Believe it or not studies show, that when you have a decluttered house your brain is also less cluttered and less stressed. Minimalism is about being intentional not boring. Leave any items that you use often or make you happy. Through a whole house decluttering, I promise you’ll have less time wasted cleaning, less overall stress due to simplified living and implementing minimalism in your home. You’ll finally feel like the wife and mother you’ve always intended without being bogged down by stuff.
But How Do I Start?
I started small. This mother chose our Narnia-style Wardrobe coat/catch-all closet under the stairs. Took everything out, cleaned the floor, and began to intentionally put items back. I added a small shelf I poached from the garage to hold the sports items and snow gear. Everyone tried on their shoes & coats and they could only keep 2-3 that they would wear. Lastly, I sorted through my huge hats, gloves, scarves, etc basket throwing out lonely un-partnered items. I have to tell you looking at my absurdly organized closet gave me this crazy awesome sense of satisfaction and calm. After three bags of donations to Goodwill, you can add the feeling of happiness and fulfillment that comes with the act of giving. Am I a better mother and wife because my hall closet is organized? Hells yeah. It’s the little things, all about the little things. AND every morning when the craziness of getting my boys off to school is upon us, getting their jackets/hoodies actually puts a smile on this mommas face as I go out to the car a little less stressed.
I have to say, I feel so much lighter now. I can make my short daily to-do list, check off each item and experience the freedom & calm of accomplishment. Join me!
Set an egg timer and just try 10 minutes a day to get started! (*disclaimer: this gets addicting!!!)
Follow Allie’s 3 simple questions:
When was the last I used this?
Is this item adding to my life in a positive way?
Could I live without this?
Like this? It came from my Instagram page if you’re not already following over there, please come join my quirky motherhood journey http://www.instagram.com/lwhportraits
Still overwhelmed at this seemingly daunting task??? I’ve attached an amazing step-by-step guide below to help you get started courtesy of Allie Casazza. Check out her blog: Minimalism, Motherhood, Intentional Living for even more on the subject too like this gem on Decluttering Your Wardrobe: http://alliecasazza.com/blog/how-to-simplify-declutter-wardrobe-minimalism

Set an egg timer and just try 10 minutes a day!