Top 3 Stress-free Nursery Design Tips #NurseryGoals


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Next up designing your baby’s nursery is probably the biggest project you’ll take on while pregnant… well other than growing that new life, that is.

Here are 3 Stress-free design tips to create your perfect nursery for your precious upcoming sweet pea:

1. Select your nursery theme:

First, decide if you want a boy, girl, or gender neutral nursery. Surf Pinterest to create mood boards with the color palette your drawn to, the overall style genre like graphic modern, elegant, or boho chic, & highlighting any specific design elements like chairs, wall prints, bedding. This will then give you an ideal place to start getting that dream nursery out of your head and down to actual realization down the hall in your own home. Look at the images above and you’ll see some inspirational ideas. Many of your baby’s photos you take the first few months of life will be taken here, so keep that in mind now better than later…

  1. 🔳 Graphic: Don’t want a gender influenced nursery? Monochromatic modern with bold prints is a cool, trendy fix that creates clean lines that any OCD momma will be sure to love!!!
  2. 💎 Elegant: Choose neutral cool or warm tones with added opulence of gold accents, tufted nursery furniture & a crystal chandelier for any prince or princess
  3. 🌿Boho: Lots of textures, playful prints, macrame, and greenery team up for the perfect fun, boho-chic, jungalo baby haven

2. Nursery layout dictated by function:

Ever hear the phrase that all that a baby does is eat, poop, sleep, repeat? Well, it’s true and this should drive your nursery design. One of the hardest parts of successfully designing any space is figuring out how to lay out the room properly so it doesn’t look under/over-furnished and most importantly allows for mom & dad to walk around for essential nursery functions like changing diapers, feeding/nursing, rocking to sleep, & storing baby’s plethora of must-have linens and clothes. When I became a mom, I realized that I only used parts of the nursery every single day and other areas were just cluttering and stealing space. There were two main reasons I needed the nursery: baby’s changing routine and his sleeping routine. I reorganized with these two main purposes in mind which will save you time and frustration later.

*Important detail to remember when determining nursery layout- Always consider the locations of the windows, doorways and vents in a room as your baby shouldn’t be near any of these while sleeping.

  1. Changing Routine: Safety first. Choose a low, wall-anchored changing table where all the necessities are in arm’s reach. You never want to take your eyes or hands off your sweet baby. A basket next to the changing pad with diapers & wipes, a trash can or diaper pail directly below for soiled stinkies, and in the main piece of furniture underneath with drawers or baskets full of onesies, clothing, swaddles especially for groggy midnight changing of blowouts 😉 Also a good idea for a nearby binkie (pacifier) or baby mobile overhead to keep baby happy and occupied during squirmy diaper changes.
  2. Sleeping Routine: Invest in a comfortable glider, rocker, chair as you’ll be spending lots of time here getting baby sleepy as you rock your baby to sleep, sing songs, read stories, even breastfeed.  Have an ottoman or tuft for your feet and a very small side table for a sound machine, books, blanket, pacifier, bottle, & even books for yourself. Don’t forget the blackout curtains for the windows are worth the money and a MUST HAVE as a dim room sets the cues for baby to sleep.

3. It’s all in the details:

Consider the materials you bring into your brand-new baby’s nursery. From the choice of paint with low VOCs to airing out the rug first to reduce airborne chemicals, there are lots of non-decorative details to consider. In general, be sure all furniture you choose for your baby’s nursery is safe: anchored to the wall, low to the floor, vintage is chic but be sure it’s free of all cracks, chipping old or lead paint, cracks, splinters, or unstable legs. Keep in mind, an alarming amount of child injuries occur due to furniture falling on top of a child. Thus, anchor & opt for long low to the ground dressers if possible that double as great study, safe changing tables.  Try to steer clear of pointed, hard corners and when in doubt on every single thing entering the nursery, always choose soft and organic. Prewash all clothes and blankets before storing.  Lastly, plants not only add a relaxing ambience to a nursery but can actually add oxygen to the air at night. Just be sure to research each type of houseplant, as many are toxic to animals like the ever popular snake plant.

An additional excellent, comprehensive resource that covers details from crib choice to incorporating storage check out  More Resources for Designing your Nursery by The Land of Nod

Good luck and have fun!!! Did I miss anything? Let me know your helpful ideas.

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