Newborn Deliciousness: Introducing Gavin!

     After unloading Gabriel from my brand new humungo LL Bean tote & filling it with freshly laundered blankets & wrap fabrics, I was on my way to my first newborn session at a clients’ house. My oldest son is already nine and my little baby two & a half, so my first glimpse of 15 day old sweet Gavin was an awe-inspiring moment at the pure freshness of God’s perfectly created truly little human. He made Gabriel look like a giant! Seeing the purplish hue on his long toes, almost translucent belly, and red fingers clamped in fists a testament to his newness, I knew I wanted to focus on these details rather than edit more “creamier” baby skin.
     And so our couple hour flexible and fun session unfolds. No matter how warm the room nor how unbelievably full wee lil man was, once he locked eyes on the contrasted black camera in a light room and the shiny reflector, he didn’t want to miss a thing.  This meant no “cutesy artsy fartsy poses” (no offense i do love them). Fully awake he strongly pushed off from all of them but was a blessing as I became completely mesmerized by his changing baby blues the rest of our shoot. You can see that in the perspectives of his photos.  Beautiful & attentive Mom enjoyed tending to her little bundle interacting with him as he remained awake. As time marched on and the light rose overhead, I found myself having to willfully stop taking pictures as I could stare at that precious face all day.  A glimpse at the camera counter startled me seeing hundreds of images awaiting my latter perusal.  I’ll tell you what; I certainly need to ward my mind from the jedi-mind-tricks a delectable lil newborn like Gavin pulls to keep my shutter constantly open!?! What an amazing and fun client! Here’s a sneak peek variety show of the little guy…

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